I know that it has been a while since I posted anything, but the holidays bogged down my process of updates. Currently, I am finishing mailing out letters to most of the supporters about the state of the project.
Rewinding back to the final week I was in Ghana...
My last week was a whirlwind of events. Trying to finish things in time but doing so the correct way meant I needed to run around lot more. I visited an orphanage in Tsito (a village 15 minutes away form the city of Ho). While I was there I met some of the people that run it. I participated in a meeting that was set up for prospective volunteers. This meant it was an additional site under the volunteer organization (GCS). I was able to visit the village "Gorkpo", where I was kindly received. Similarly to the orphanage of Tsito this village may be a future site for volunteers. Conversely though, it has never received any volunteers. Because of this, and the obvious fact that I was a foreigner, they expressed many needs. One of those most basic problems they face is that they must walk nearly five miles during the dry season for
water. Even though I visited them and told them I would remember them when I returned to the U.S., I told them I could not promise them to meet any of their needs. I later found out that no other foreigners had ever visited the traditional village of about 200. I also learned that evidence of the developed world contrasts their world as it has been able to make its way in, via clothes, music, or other products.
I continued on the project daily by going with Godwin to get/purchase bags of cement, 2x4, 2x6, iron sheets and other materials. At the end of each day I continued paying the laborers. A few days I was able to actually work building the structure and learning how they utilize their dominant building material of cement (termites). Each day I would document everything in a notebook I brought along, from the cost of supplies, to a daily wage of a water fetcher. I taught for a few days and brought some art supplies that became useful in a rare art class.
I was able to make some useful contacts while I was there in the second half of my stay. People had remembered me from my first trip and some of those ties were strengthened. On the other hand, I met new faces that were very involved in the Volta Region (i.e. Peace corp volunteer). Unfortunately, as I anticipated with a week remaining, progress was being made at a pace that was too slow. Because of this, I left without seeing the completion of the roof. I also had previously discovered that I didn't have enough money to complete the structure I was hoping to leave them. Ironically, before I left more money trickled into the account and I wasn't able to spend it. Again it wasn't easy to leave but the time had quickly approached and I was on my way scrambling to finish documenting, purchasing the last of the supplies, and budgeting for a final few days of supervised work, in my absence.
Upon returning to the airport in O'hare, I was greeted after grabbing my luggage. The encounter was a bit of a surprise to me, as a man approached me asking for help because his "sister was too embarrassed to ask". He claimed that they didn't have enough money to get a ride to the car. ...After spending time in a country of constant begging and having been asked only twice in the U.S. for money, it happened again.
Clearly everyone has a need. But it's important to understand where your money goes, what your money buys, how great the need is, and how effective the program is in reaching the expressed need. Poverty will probably never be eliminated but new opportunities can always be created.
Since I have been back I have remained in contact with my friends/fellow members of GCS. I have had the opportunity to speak again at a couple of the same churches and I have taken time sending letters out, about the experience, to most of the known supporters. Some things cannot be explained but more money has continued to come into the account again and I know I will be returning yet again. At the bottom of this page I posted a video clip that I assembled, which sums up some of the experience. The support from everyone has been incredible and I'm thankful that we can all be a part of a program that benefits the less fortunate. I will post pictures as I get enough time, but in the meantime please take a look at the video clip, and if possible, continue to support. Thank you